Privacy & Policy

BlueQore Technologies Privacy & Policy


At BlueQore Technologies, we comprehend your right to security and this clarifies how we assemble, use, and safeguard your data

Website and Services:

BlueQore works the BlueQore site and the BlueQore proficient administrations practice, which aggregately give the "Administration". This page is utilized to illuminate site guests in regards to our approaches with the assortment, use, and exposure of client information (Personal Information and non-recognizable data).

Acceptance of This Policy:

Utilization of our Service(s), expect you have perused and acknowledged this arrangement, and consent to the assortment and utilization of data corresponding to this strategy. Proceeded with utilization of our Service(s) after posted changes expect you likewise acknowledge those changes.

Data Collection and Use:

The Personal Information that we gather are utilized for giving and working on the Service. We won't utilize or impart your data to anybody besides as depicted in this Privacy Policy.

Personal Information

After finishing up the get in touch with us structure or mentioning content, we gather by and by recognizable data, for example, your name, telephone number, email address, and so forth This is gathered with the goal that we might give content or contact you about our administrations.

Log Data

At the point when you visit our Service, we gather data from your program called Log Data, which can incorporate data like your PC's Internet Protocol ("IP") address, program rendition, page visits, and different insights.


Treats are records comprised of a modest quantity of information which is utilized as an unknown one of a kind identifier. These are non-recognizable, and are utilized to gather data to further develop site content, construction, and research to work on our administration.

Third-Party Service Providers

We might utilize outsider organizations and people because of the accompanying reasons:

  • To facilitate our Service;
  • To provide the Service on our behalf;
  • To perform Service-related services; or
  • To assist us in analyzing how our Service is used.

A few outsiders approach your Personal Information to play out the undertakings allocated to them for our benefit. In any case, they are committed not to unveil or involve the data for some other reason.

Third Party Tracking and Online Advertising

We partake in interest-based publicizing and utilize outsider promoting organizations to serve you designated ads in view of your web based perusing history and your inclinations. We grant outsider web based publicizing organizations, online media organizations and other outsider administrations, to gather data about your utilization of BlueQore after some time with the goal that they might play or show advertisements on our Sites, on different sites, applications or administrations you might utilize, and on different gadgets you might utilize. Commonly, however not dependably, the data utilized for interest-based publicizing is gathered through treats or comparable following advances. We might share a typical record identifier, (for example, an email address or client ID) or hashed information with our outsider promoting accomplices to assist with recognizing you across gadgets. We and our outsider accomplices utilize this data to make the notices you see online more applicable to your inclinations, as well as to give publicizing related administrations like revealing, attribution, investigation and statistical surveying.

To more deeply study interest-based publicizing and how you might have the option to quit a portion of this promoting, you might wish to visit the Network Advertising Initiative's web-based assets, at, and additionally the DAA's assets at You may likewise have the option to set your program to erase or inform you of treats by effectively dealing with the settings on your program or cell phone. Kindly note that some promoting pick outs may not be powerful except if your program is set to acknowledge treats. Moreover, assuming you utilize an alternate gadget, change programs or erase the quit treats, you might have to play out the quit task once more.

You may likewise have the option to restrict specific interest-based portable promoting through the settings on your cell phone by choosing "limit advertisement following" (iOS) or "quit interest based promotions" (Android).

Google Analytics and Advertising

We may likewise use specific types of show publicizing and other progressed highlights through Google Analytics, like Remarketing with Google Analytics, Google Display Network Impression Reporting, and Google Analytics Demographics and Interest Reporting. These elements empower us to utilize first-party treats (like the Google Analytics treat) and outsider treats, (for example, the DoubleClick promoting treat) or other outsider treats together to illuminate, improve, and show advertisements in view of your past visits to the Sites. You might control your publicizing inclinations or quit specific Google promoting items by visiting the Google Ads Preferences Manager, right now accessible at, or by vising NAI's internet based assets at

Data Security:
Storage and Transfer

Your data gathered through our Service might be put away and handled in India or some other country in which BlueQore or its parent, auxiliaries, subsidiaries, or specialist co-ops keep up with offices. Assuming you are situated in different locales with regulations administering information assortment and use, that might vary from Indian regulation.

Data Retention

We will hold your own data just however long sensibly important to keep up with the Service, to meet legitimate and bookkeeping commitments, and for the reasons portrayed in this Privacy Policy. We may anonymize as well as total individual data and use it to break down and concentrate on total measurements and patterns.

Data Breaches

We care about the security of your data and utilize physical, managerial, and innovative shields intended to save the honesty and security of all data gathered through our Service. Be that as it may, no security framework is impervious, and we can't ensure the security of our frameworks. If any data under our influence is compromised because of a break of safety, we will find sensible ways to examine what is going on and, where fitting, tell those people whose data might have been compromised and make different strides, as per any appropriate regulations and guidelines.

Links to Other Sites

Our Service might contain connections to different destinations. Assuming you click on an outsider connection, you will be coordinated to that site. Note that these outside locales are not worked by us and firmly encourage you to audit the Privacy Policy of these sites. We have zero power over, and accept no obligation for the substance, security approaches, or practices of any outsider locales or administrations.

Children’s Privacy

Our Services don't address anybody younger than 13. We don't purposely gather individually recognizable data from kids under 13. For the situation we find that a kid under 13 has furnished us with individual data, we promptly erase this from our data sets. Assuming you are a parent or gatekeeper and you know that your youngster has furnished us with individual data, kindly reach us at "".

Information Sharing

We might share your own data and additionally client provided information with the accompanying.

BlueQore Subsidiaries

Different organizations and brands possessed or constrained by BlueQore, and different organizations claimed by or under normal proprietorship as BlueQore, which likewise incorporates our auxiliaries (i.e., any association we own or control) or our definitive holding organization (i.e., any association that possesses or controls us) and any auxiliaries it claims. These organizations will involve your own data similarly as we can under this Privacy Policy.

Third-Party Vendors

Outsider sellers and other specialist organizations that perform administrations for our sake, depending on the situation to do their work for us, which might incorporate distinguishing and serving designated ads, giving mailing administrations, giving expense and bookkeeping administrations, web facilitating, or giving investigation administrations.

The Public

The public when you give criticism on our Service. For instance, in the event that you post client content on our blog or remark on our online media destinations, your data, like your first name, last beginning, condition of home, and your remarks, might be shown on our Service or on our web-based media pages.

Other Businesses

Different gatherings regarding an organization exchange, like a consolidation, offer of organization resources or offers, revamping, financing, change of control or securing of all or a piece of our business by another organization or outsider, or in case of a chapter 11 or related or comparative procedures. In such occasion, BlueQore will attempt to guide the acquirer to involve and safeguard and utilize your own data in a way that is reliable with the security strategy as a result at the time such private data was gathered.

Third-Parties Required by Law

Outsiders as legally necessary or summon or then again assuming we sensibly accept that such activity is important to (a) consent to the law and the sensible solicitations of regulation authorization; (b) to implement our Terms and Conditions of Use or to safeguard the security or honesty of our Service; and additionally (c) to practice or safeguard the privileges, property, or individual wellbeing of BlueQore, our guests, or others.

BlueQore may likewise use subordinate data, for example, means and techniques for focusing on promoting efforts, with outsiders or other BlueQore Customers in an accumulated or in any case anonymized structure, for example, amassed client insights, that doesn't sensibly distinguish you, your organization or your End Users straightforwardly and additionally recognizably.

Changes to This Privacy Policy

We might refresh our Privacy Policy now and again and suggest exploring this page intermittently for any changes. We will inform you of any progressions by posting the new Privacy Policy on this page. These progressions are taking effect right now, after they are posted on this page.


If you have any questions or suggestions about our Privacy Policy, do not hesitate to contact us at